Posts Tagged ‘Parenting’
Let’s Talk About Sex After Baby – Rediscover Your Body on Your Terms Mom!
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by K-Y. In order to facilitate this post, Ninjamommers has received perks in the form of products and compensation. All opinions on this blog are of Ninjamommers’ own and not influenced in any way. I am going to be honest here. Sex after baby can be daunting. In fact, many…
Read MoreBack to School Lunches – Tips to Teach Your Kids to Make Their Own
It is almost that time once again. Time to make school lunches! The truth is though, many parents dread this time. In fact, I am one of those parents that find it overwhelming to put together delicious and nutritious back to school lunches, for 5 days out of the week, that their children will actually…
Read MoreSummer Camp for Kids – The Pros and Cons
Ah, the joys of summer camp. Many parents have mixed feelings about sending their kids off to enjoy time away without parental guidance. Sure most of these summer programs have counselors that watch over and keep your kids safe during daily activities and learning events, but there’s something unsettling for some parents about sending their…
Read MoreDear Santa – A Mom’s Christmas Wishlist for REAL
Dear Santa, This is a mom’s Christmas wishlist. I am sure you know my name by now. The elf on the shelf has probably had some interesting things to report. Yes, I said fuck yesterday and yes, my kids heard me, but I have been such a fucking good girl this year that small detail…
Read More10 Top Reasons Teachers SUCK – or do They?
You see, teachers suck. They really do. I mean, aren’t they terrible people? Who in their right mind would agree to spend all day with your unruly, snot nosed little sh– I mean angels? There MUST be something wrong with teachers. If your child has been sent to the office, it CAN’T be because your…
Read MoreHow to Help Your Family to Cut Down on Screen time
In this day and age, setting limits on screen time and sticking to them, can be one of the biggest challenges parents face. Not only are our children becoming more enthralled with screens, but we, as parents have a hard time keeping our own media habits and mobile use in check. It is important that…
Read MoreSanctimommies, Momsplaining and Nonsensical Judgment
Let’s get a few things straight here. There are so many judgmental people out there in the world, and through my experience, Other Moms are the WORST for this. Being a Mom isn’t easy. In fact, it’s fucking hard. This shit is not for the weak, that I can tell you for certain. You know…
Read MoreElectrical Safety- Ways to Prevent Electrical Injury and Keep Your Family Safe
With parenting comes great responsibility, as I am sure many of you know. There are so many things to remember, learn and figure out. One main thing is to ensure that our children are as safe as possible in the homes we raise them in. Baby gates, deadbolts and toilet lid locks, these are all…
Read MoreSuccessful Children- 5 Ways to Motivate Your Children to Succeed
We all want to ensure that we have successful children. With Holidays around the corner, and the weather getting cooler, your kids may be losing their get up and go gumption. Many children tend to lose their motivation to succeed, do homework and all of that jazz during the holidays, simply because they are anticipating…
Read MoreNetflix Birthdays on Demand
Both my kids have birthdays within months of each other. In fact, I am luckier than some, my neices birthdays are days apart. Which means planning and more planning. I have always felt so stressed when birthdays came around as I want to try to do too much every single time. As parents, we all…
Read MoreRaise Responsible Kids – Strategies to Help your Kids be More Responsible
It is totally natural to want to raise responsible kids. Part of being a parent is to ensure you are teaching kids life skills necessary for them to survive in the real world as adults. Often times we get sucked into just getting things done, such as picking up after our kids or delivering them…
Read MoreActive Kids – 4 Ways to Encourage your Kids to be More Active
Parenting isn’t easy at all. Let’s face it, we compete with electronics and peer pressure and everything you can think of when it comes to raising kids. These days kids seem to have lost their sense of imaginatively, you know like those good old days of going outside to make a fort out of sticks…
Read MoreTime for some Netflix “Me time” #MomSneak #StreamTeam
I don’t know about the rest of you, but sometimes I just need to have a little bit of “Me Time.” I love my children to the moon and back and really can’t imagine life without them, but sometimes, I just want to watch something on Netflix that ISN’T PG! How am I supposed to…
Read MoreA Mattress to Rule Them All- My Ideal Mattress for a Good Night’s Sleep!
In my eyes, there is nothing better than a good mattress. Why? Because at the end of the day there is nothing more satisfying than laying comfortably in my bed and reflecting on the day. It needs to be comfortable though, you know that level of comfort that makes your whole body feel as though…
Read MoreSummer Break Survival: How to Entertain Your Kids This Summer
Whether you are running on a tight or full spectrum budget, learning how to keep kids entertained during the summer season is easy. There are many ways you can prepare for this summer break from school and curb hearing “I am bored” 100 times during this beautifully sunny season. Today I wanted to share a…
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