Raise Responsible Kids – Strategies to Help your Kids be More Responsible
It is totally natural to want to raise responsible kids. Part of being a parent is to ensure you are teaching kids life skills necessary for them to survive in the real world as adults. Often times we get sucked into just getting things done, such as picking up after our kids or delivering them meals because it’s easier to do these things than to take a moment to wait for your kids to do this. That’s a bad way to go about things because while it may be easier now, you’re setting your kids up to be lazy as they get older and not be able to take on a responsibility like they should. There are some things you can do now to help work towards ensuring your kids start being more responsible so you can avoid fights in the future.
How to Raise Responsible Kids
Set Expectations from Day One
Okay so maybe your newborn can’t clean up after itself, but as soon as your kids can walk around it’s time to enforce some expectations. Be certain that your kids know you expect them to clean up after any messes they made, help set the dinner table and do other tasks simply because they are an active part of the family. Remain consistent in the expectations of small daily tasks that the average person has to do anyways just to be a sanitary adult.
Make Your Kids Feel Important
Kids want to know that they are doing something for the common good. If you notice your kid is being kind to a sibling or helping another family member out, make note of it by giving them thanks. Just like adults, kids need to feel important and appreciated. When their little efforts to be a part of the bigger picture of the family goes noticed and appreciated, they will be encouraged to do these things on a regular basis.
Allow Kids to Help
From toddler age up your kids can help and often will ask to help or do things themselves. Do not stop them from doing these things. Allowing your kids to help or do things on their own from a young age, even if it takes more time, will ultimately teach kids to be more responsible without much effort. You will have to practice a high level of patience as your young kids help with chores or try to do things on their own but the reward will pay off in the long haul.
Sure these are just a few simple ways to raise responsible kids, but the reality is, that’s how it should be. Parenting doesn’t have to be difficult as long as you keep a consistent set of rules, allow kids to help and do things on their own and in turn show them you appreciate all that they do to be a responsible part of your family unit.
These are great suggestions! It’s very important in this day & age to raise responsible kids. They’ll be the ones to make this world a better place.