Posts Tagged ‘Children’
2017 Holiday Gift Guide- Now Accepting Submissions- #NMHoliday
The 2017 Holiday Season is upon us. It’s that time of year everyone. Time to start thinking about those special people on our Christmas lists. That’s right I said the word Christmas, well, typed it actually, and it’s only September. However, if you are a brand, you are preparing, just as we are, well ahead…
Read MoreRaise Responsible Kids – Strategies to Help your Kids be More Responsible
It is totally natural to want to raise responsible kids. Part of being a parent is to ensure you are teaching kids life skills necessary for them to survive in the real world as adults. Often times we get sucked into just getting things done, such as picking up after our kids or delivering them…
Read More4 Ways To Protect Your Children’s Eyes in a High Tech World
With our high tech world it’s no wonder more and more kids are using technological devices both at home and at school. With many schools implementing computerized testing, requirements of having Chrome books and similar in classrooms, kids are often spending over 7 hours a day with their eyes on a screen. While many parents…
Read MoreMotivate Children to do Chores with these 4 Tips
Looking for a good way to Motivate Children to do chores? Chores are a way to teach kids that they are a part of a team. The whole family has a mutual obligation to maintain some level of cleanliness and organization within the household. When you make chores a priority for your kids from day…
Read MoreLife Skills Every Parent Should Teach Their Child
There are some life skills that every parent should teach their child. These stem beyond the basics that are common sense. You know the life skills that help them to survive as an adult in the big wide world on Earth. Those regular life skills are a given, but what some parents may not think…
Read MoreYour Child’s Bathroom Humor and How to Handle it
Many kids pick up bathroom humor shortly after being potty trained. This phase can last a long time but usually diminishes when they head off to school. While this is a completely natural experience for both boys and girls of the toddler age, it can leave parents in pure disgust and shock. The first step…
Read MoreWhat Does Being a Mom Mean? – The Meaning of Mom
When you first get this job title of Mom, you imagine all of those tough decisions. Breast or bottle, to circumcise or not, co-sleeping or independent sleeping will be some of the most challenging portions of your motherhood career. It seems like those are the most intense topics that everyone discusses when you announce that…
Read MorePositive Parenting – Stay Calm When You’re Losing it
Most everyone should understand the fact that when we remain positive others around us remain in the same mindset. Welcome parenthood, where the attempt to remain cool, calm and collected is tested at every corner! Even the most fabulous of parents have moments when they are just about to lose it. Have no fear, we…
Read MoreMom Stress Test- Are you a Stressed Mother?
Mom stress got you down? If you are a stressed out Mom then it may help you to calm when you realize you are not alone. Most moms say that motherhood is incredibly stressful while nearly 96% of those moms state they don’t think their own Mom was this stressed when raising them. Perception is…
Read MoreMarried With Children- How to Connect With Your Spouse While Raising Kids
While you and your spouse are working hard to raise these little kids that you brought into this world, you may find your marriage is being neglected. It’s far too easy to be married with children and solely focus on the parenting side of their world versus developing that balance between marriage and parenthood. There are…
Read MoreMake Your Kids Laugh- 10 Goofy Ways to Make Your Children Laugh
Experts and parents alike have agreed that a good sense of humor can lead to a better immune system and a happier lifestyle regardless of your age. As parents nothing feels better than making our kids laugh at our silly jokes and goofy ways. There are so many ways you can work to make your…
Read More5 Ways to Stop Yelling- Want to Stop Yelling at Your Kids? Use These Tips
The moment has arrived, your child has toys all over the house and it’s summer vacation. You are at your wits end and simply cannot understand why this child of yours won’t just listen to you. The only solution in your mind at this very moment is to yell at your child. After all they…
Read MoreHow to Help Your Shy Child Out in Life in a Positive Way
The first step to helping your shy child is to understand that shyness is a personality trait not a disability or a fault. Each of us are born as individual human beings, with different traits and characteristics that make us who we are. Being shy is a common occurrence for children and is something they…
Read MoreHow Your Kids Favourite Shows Can Inspire Real Conversations
Inspire Real Conversation they said, it’s easy they said. Actually it can be. There are some tough conversations in life that you just have to have with your kids. It can be pretty hard to broach these topics without coming off accusatory or just plain confusing. Sometimes, you need a little help to inspire real…
Read MoreTeach Children Sharing – 6 Ways to Teach Your Children to Share Now
Sharing is caring they say, but what happens when you have a child who is possessively attached their belongings? Teaching the ability to share between peers and siblings can be quite the challenge for both parents and caregivers. It’s an important skill to teach children. Just how can you go about teaching your child to…
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