Water Breaking, Labour Pains and Anxiety

The day has come and passed. The day I have been waiting for for the passed 40 weeks… my due date. The belly button has popped out, along with what feels like my hips, my pelvis and my ankles.. which by the way I can’t see! I wrote a post the other day about patience…

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The Joys Of Pregnancy- When Things get Difficult

Well, Ladies and gentlemen I will have officially reached week 37 as of this week- What a trip this has been. The joys of pregnancy are starting to dissipate a little.  I have to admit that being pregnant this time around has not been nearly as calm as the first time. Little Man gave me…

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Glucose tests, Vampire offices and Sicky Mcsicks

Oh Glucose Tests are fun aren’t they? You know what I love? I love sitting in a germ infested lab where they think they are vampires and have to take the blood out of your body using brute force. By brute force of course I mean, pretty much strapping you to the chair. Or did…

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