Water Breaking, Labour Pains and Anxiety

The day has come and passed. The day I have been waiting for for the passed 40 weeks… my due date.

The belly button has popped out, along with what feels like my hips, my pelvis and my ankles.. which by the way I can’t see! I wrote a post the other day about patience and inducing labour naturally and all that jazz. I vowed to be patient and wait, and I have… tried.

Let’s be honest, the due date coming and going is still frustrating no matter how much emphasis I have put on waiting patiently for her to be ready to come. Why is it that its my second pregnancy and I am still just as terrified (if not more) than I Was the first time?

When Little Man had decided it was time to come I didn’t really have time to think it through, he was a week early and although I guess at the time I had thought he could come at any time I wasn’t really waiting for him to come. As it stands now I have been waiting for Baby girl for what seems like an eternity since I have been on bedrest and speaking to the OB about induction for weeks. So I am sitting here waiting for labour to start… anytime now.. and I am nervous. Why? I don’t know. I just feel scared. Scared for the pain, scared for when, scared for what its going to be like this time.. since this pregnancy was totally different, the labour might not be the same either… What if its longer? What if its shorter? What if my water breaks while I am sleeping comfortably in bed.. what if it doesn’t break? What if it breaks while I decide to go to the grocery store and I slip in it and land in a puddle of my own amniotic fluids in front of everyone? I guess the “What-if’s” are plentiful this time around. So as much as I am looking forward to the start of something, I am also very nervous.

I can’t wait to meet my Baby girl. I can’t wait for Little Man to get to meet his sister and I can’t wait for Husband/Daddy to be able to snuggle her in his arms. I lost my Dad when I Was young, and I know how important it is for a girl to have her father… so I am ecstatic for my daughter and for my husband to get to experience this bond! Little Man is seemingly anxious as well. He keeps saying that he wants her to be borned.

Today is her Papa’s birthday, and it would be awesome if she were to come on his Birthday.. the gift that keeps on giving! I Would NEVER have to give him anything ever again- every year there would be a card that said “Happy Birthday Dad, I tore my Vagina apart to give you a Granddaughter, You’re Welcome!”


  1. gingermommy on October 18, 2011 at 11:16 am

    Hey girl, how you holding up? I have 4 and had anxiety with each. Scared and excited all at once 🙂 hope all is well. Your bday card note cracked me up.

    • Ninja Mommers on October 18, 2011 at 3:40 pm

      LOL! I am alright I guess- just lazing around waiting for my life to get crazy hectic he he he! I am not kidding about the birthday card note either- I will SO do it:P

  2. Tracy on October 20, 2011 at 4:37 am

    Omg! That totally cracked me up at the end.

    Hope she arrives soon so you don’t have to wait anymore! Or maybe she’s already made her grand enterance? If that’s the case, congrats!

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