10 Reasons My New Years Resolutions are BULLSHIT
OK. I said it. My new years resolutions are complete and utter BULLSHIT. I mean I make the same stupid new years resolutions every single cot damned year. Every single stupid mediocre, common resolution that you can think of… I have resolved to do it one year or the other.
My Previous Garbage New Years Resolutions
- Quit Smoking
- Lose Weight
- Eat Healthier
- Exercise More
- Say “yes” to my kids more
- Take more “me time”
- Be more Involved in the Kids School
- Have a cleaner house
- Make Pinterest Worthy Lunches
- Spend more time with my friends
Do you know what happened every single time I made these new years resolutions? Everything Changed! NOTHING happened. NOTHING. Not even a fucking stir in the atmosphere. Why? Because the truth of the matter is, I ALREADY DO 90% of what I resolve to do, except the things that would better ME as a person. I don’t take my own damned advice and take me time. Oh no. No, I don’t. I don’t spend more time with my friends, or eat healthier or god forbid, quit smoking. I just don’t. I pour myself continuously into the things that make my kids and husband happy and spend zero time worrying about myself and what will make me happy. I spend all day worrying about how to please other people and take care of them but I don’t take care of myself for one second. I get so fucking preoccupied with making sure that I am likable and friendly and funny and everyone’s damn caretaker, that I forget I am actually an important human being. I spread myself too thin.
Do you know what has actually happened?
I stopped writing.
I stopped writing these posts because you know what? I was afraid I would offend someone. I started writing generic “How tos” and random “Why you shoulds” but never took my own advice and participated in the things I love. I censored myself. I tried to be supermom, superwife, superbloggingninjaextraordinaire… and I was MISERABLE.
This year I resolve to stop resolving to do a damn thing for other people. I am TOTALLY going to say no more to people who I KNOW are under valuing me. I am going to stop making resolutions that are technically for other people and their benefit. In fact, I am not going to make one resolution at all. Why? Because I am just going to do. I am going to stop just “saying.” Actions speak louder than words and I want mine to have a megaphone.
I am back bitches.
Welcome back 😀