How to Help Your Child Cope with the Loss of a Pet
Coping with Pet loss can be hard for both Children and adults. That furry family friend you adopted back in the day is now getting older and your kids are going to experience the loss of a pet for the first time. While this is a sad way to teach kids grief, it is full of…
Read MoreMotivate Children to do Chores with these 4 Tips
Looking for a good way to Motivate Children to do chores? Chores are a way to teach kids that they are a part of a team. The whole family has a mutual obligation to maintain some level of cleanliness and organization within the household. When you make chores a priority for your kids from day…
Read MoreNew Years With Netflix – Countdown Earlier With Your Kids #StreamTeam
It’s almost that time of year again! New Years eve is fast approaching and your kids want to countdown with you into the new year. Netflix has been providing an “earlier” solution for us parents that just want to get their kids into bed in good time, even on New Years eve, for the last…
Read MoreThe Ultimate Guide to Surviving (and even enjoying) The Holidays
Christmas is coming and your wallets getting less fat, please put your toys away I am done stepping on that. Yeah, the Holidays can be stressful. Very stressful. I have said before and I will say it again, as much as I love the Christmas season, the stress can sometimes totally take away from what…
Read MoreMoney Talks, and Financial Literacy is the Topic #FinanciallyFit #AD
Growing up, money was always a huge subject in our house. My parents really pressed that we learn as much about money as we can. We were given chores, an allowance and taught to save. My father was always very particular about the way he spent his money, he would document every single penny that…
Read MoreCope with Mom Stress – Save Your Cotton Balls
Mom stress can grab you tightly by the proverbial Cotton Balls and not let go if you let it. Let’s save those Cotton Balls to remove your Nail Polish shall we? Yes, we shall. We can’t let the stresses of being a Mom consume us. We just can’t. If we do, it takes away all…
Read MoreNew Mom Essentials- 20 Must Haves for Every New Mom
Ah the lovely joy of being pregnant, you just found out the news that you are expecting a newborn baby in about nine months and now everyone has to tell you the new mom essentials. There are some people in your life who have this little switch flicked that make it so all they can…
Read MoreLife Skills Every Parent Should Teach Their Child
There are some life skills that every parent should teach their child. These stem beyond the basics that are common sense. You know the life skills that help them to survive as an adult in the big wide world on Earth. Those regular life skills are a given, but what some parents may not think…
Read MoreNew Mom Problems and How to Combat Them
Becoming a new Mom can be amazing, but it also comes with new Mom problems. Welcoming a new bundle of joy into the home sounds so appealing to many expectant parents, for mothers after having nine long months of carrying that extra weight around they are ready for relief. The thing about being a new…
Read MoreHow to Help Kids Handle Emotions
It can seem impossible to help kids handle emotions. As a parent our main job is to teach our kids to lead a happy, healthy and positive life so that they grow up to be a well-rounded member of society. Every parent defines what well-rounded means for their own family unit, but there’s one thing…
Read MoreYour Child’s Bathroom Humor and How to Handle it
Many kids pick up bathroom humor shortly after being potty trained. This phase can last a long time but usually diminishes when they head off to school. While this is a completely natural experience for both boys and girls of the toddler age, it can leave parents in pure disgust and shock. The first step…
Read MoreTop Tips for Fabulous Family Photos
That dreaded family photo, for many families having a photo taken of every individual in the family unit can be a tedious task. Little John doesn’t want to sit still, while Lucy is ready and smiling awaiting the snap of the camera. Amidst all this, you have the adults trying to look happy even with…
Read MoreWhat Does Being a Mom Mean? – The Meaning of Mom
When you first get this job title of Mom, you imagine all of those tough decisions. Breast or bottle, to circumcise or not, co-sleeping or independent sleeping will be some of the most challenging portions of your motherhood career. It seems like those are the most intense topics that everyone discusses when you announce that…
Read MoreParenting on a Time Budget? How to Spend Time With Your Kids When You Have No Time
Are you Parenting on a time budget? Children tend to spell love T-I-M-E. For your kids spending quality time with them is all that matters, they don’t count down the minutes, they count the moments. Unfortunately with the demands of everyday life you may find that time isn’t something you have readily available. Many parents…
Read MorePositive Parenting – Stay Calm When You’re Losing it
Most everyone should understand the fact that when we remain positive others around us remain in the same mindset. Welcome parenthood, where the attempt to remain cool, calm and collected is tested at every corner! Even the most fabulous of parents have moments when they are just about to lose it. Have no fear, we…
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