Posts Tagged ‘StreamTeam’
Family Travel with Netflix Downloads Just in Time for The Holidays
Travelling with your family can get complicated and I can totally attest to that myself. There are so many different elements to consider when you attempt to plan a family vacation. How many times will you have to deal with lost luggage, delayed flights or public tantrums? What about that one dumb thing you forgot…
Read MoreStream Yourself Smarter with Netflix and These Awesome Titles
I am and always have been a HUGE, I mean HUGE Netflix fan. My family is totally into binge watching stuff as often as possible and Netflix offers so many different binge-worthy options. With Netflix Originals rich in history and complexity, following plot lines may have you turning to Google to search for facts while you…
Read MoreNetflix Birthdays on Demand
Both my kids have birthdays within months of each other. In fact, I am luckier than some, my neices birthdays are days apart. Which means planning and more planning. I have always felt so stressed when birthdays came around as I want to try to do too much every single time. As parents, we all…
Read MoreThe Art of Netflix Persuasion and How to Come Together on What to Stream
My husband and I see eye-to-eye on many different things, but sometimes what I want to binge watch becomes a matter of contention. You see, sometimes I just want to watch something light and funny, while he wants to watch something intense. Between my husband and the kids it can seem like I rarely have…
Read MoreTime for some Netflix “Me time” #MomSneak #StreamTeam
I don’t know about the rest of you, but sometimes I just need to have a little bit of “Me Time.” I love my children to the moon and back and really can’t imagine life without them, but sometimes, I just want to watch something on Netflix that ISN’T PG! How am I supposed to…
Read MoreUnwind with Netflix After a Long Busy Day
Our family loves nothing more than relaxing together after a long day of work, school or play. How do we unwind? Well of course with a great meal, some awesome conversation and then… Netflix. We love to sit down together and cuddle with Netflix. The kids always go get their Jammies on and we have…
Read MoreFamily Road Trips to the Cottage Just got Easier with Netflix
I remember when I was younger, my parents and sister and I used to travel to stay at a cottage. The drive was insufferable for both us kids AND our parents. I mean, we were little and we were excited about the fun we were about to have! It was, however, a 3 hour trip.…
Read MoreHow to Connect With Your Kids About What They are Streaming #StreamTeam
Kids can be hard to understand sometimes. Let’s face it, as adults we can relate as we have been there, but it was a while ago and things have changed over the years. It is great to find things to connect over and discuss and while that can seem few and far between, there are…
Read MoreStrong Female Characters Who Mean Business on Netflix #Streamteam
Strong Female characters can play a very important role in your young child’s life. You see, gender stereotypes are a very real thing. Studies have shown that gender stereotypes have an impact on girls at a young age, and that role models from the entertainment they choose can have a lasting effect. Rest assured, Netflix…
Read MoreNetflixCheaters- Cheat Worthy Shows to Stream on Netflix #StreamTeam
My husband and have busy lives and so it’s wonderful when we can find a show that we both really enjoy binge watching together in the short periods of time we get to just relax. The only problem is, that our schedules can sometimes be a little different. With our different schedules it can be…
Read MoreLego Netflix!? Get Your Lego Fix with New Stuff to Stream on @Netflix_CA #StreamTeam
We are huge Lego fans in this house. Not only do we have a lot of the wonderful sets, but we are really enjoying streaming all things Lego on Netflix this month too! Over March Break we got to play with some awesome sets. The kids loved them! It was fun to spend time building…
Read MoreNetflix Back to School
Netflix has been so helpful for our family over the summer months… When it has been raining outside we have quite enjoyed snuggling together and taking in some of our favourite Netflix Titles. With Back to School time creeping up on us, we want to get our kids as comfortable and prepared as possible. Netflix…
Read MoreMystery Themed Titles on @Netflix_CA to Share with Your Littles #StreamTeam
We love Netflix in our house and with it being October, and Halloween fast approaching, we have been indulging in our favourite mysteries lately, to go with the mystery of the season. For us, streaming shows and movies on Netflix is our favourite thing to do with our downtime. We really enjoy settling in with…
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