
Moms With Tattoos and Piercings – Stop Judging Me I can still Parent


Hi There! I am Ninja Mommers! You may be a long time reader, or a new visitor, but no matter who you are…

THIS is my face…

I have a septum Piercing, a regular nose piercing, a vertical labret, both ears pierced and an industrial in my right ear. I also have a tattoo on the top of my back and have a full tattoo sleeve on my right arm.

YES, I am a MOM and I am STILL getting Tattoos & Piercings!  I am scheduled for more.. GASP! In fact, I will let you in on a little secret… I didn’t have any piercings or Tattoos until a few months AFTER my son was born. That’s right ladies and gentleman, these tattoos & Piercings were not because I was being a “rebellious” Teenager! These Tattoos & Piercings are because… GASP… I love them, and wanted them, and felt confident enough in myself to finally express myself openly. 

What I understand comes with expressing yourself, is judgement. Full on dirty looks, shocked faces and stares. Hey now, I am not a monster… Seriously… what’s a little bit of metal in my face? I am not carrying a freaking shotgun for goodness sakes! Sometimes, I might as well be though, as it seems people are “Terrified” of what they are not used to. I promise my Piercings and Tattoos are not diseases, they will not jump off my body and attack you, leaving you looking like me! 

There are limited women that speak to me when I pick my son and daughter up from school, and I found the ones that do have significant others with Tattoos & Piercings. This does not bother me as much as it should. As far as I am concerned, if people can’t get over my appearance to get to know me, than I am kind of happy I am avoiding them in the first place.

My Tattoos and Piercings are like a big giant billboard that reads: “Do not talk to me if you are a judgmental jerk.” 

Seriously though. The thing that gets me the most is when people seemingly think I can’t parent my children with all these holes in my head and ink on my body. I promise that my self expression in no way impedes my ability to love, clothe, feed and care for my little loves! In fact, I feel as though it teaches them a valuable lesson, that you should be happy being who you are and not afraid to express yourself. 

I hate the fact that this is still even a problem in 2016! Seriously, WHO CARES?! I think we have bigger fish to fry around the world than someone who pierces their face when they have children. 

One year we had sent out Birthday invitations for Little Man’s Birthday, only one of the kids from his class has RSVP’d yes… and only a few showed up. Do I think that has something to do with the way I look? Absolutely. Do I feel that’s fair to Little Man? No. 

I have had people ask me how I feel that the way I look could affect my Children’s school life. My response is and always will be: “affect it in a good way!” I am always looked at like I have 6 heads when I say that, but the truth of the matter is, if someone’s parents are saying: “You can’t hang out with Little Man, his mom has holes in her face…” It might not be long before that child adopts the same perception and believes that appearances are everything. My swiss cheese face may have just saved him from a friend that would probably not be such a good one anyways if they can’t get passed the way someone looks.

Let’s all teach our children to be understanding shall we?


Yes, Yes I do. While you sit there and stare, I will be over here loving my kids, perhaps you should just focus on doing the same with yours. 

 Do you think Tattoos and Piercings make someone a bad mom?


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