Importance of Me Time- How to get it and What to do with it

The Importance of Me time, is huge and it’s critical people realize that. There are some instances when it’s easy for you to tell that it’s time to relax.

It’s that time again. Morning time. Your child has emerged from their bedroom to inform you that they woke up feeling as though they could chew their arm off because of course, they are “starving”, the dog is crossing her legs because she has to go outside so badly that she can’t help it and you need to piddle. All you want to do is piddle. So what do you do? Of course, you piddle, but it’s not even a nice relieving trip to the potty because you are followed by a “starving” 3 year old and a dog whose bladder is about to “explode” for some unknown reason. This is when you think to yourself… “I NEED SOME ME TIME BEFORE I FLUSH MYSELF DOWN THE TOILET!!” That’s, of course when your husband calls you and asks you to please check his bank balance for him… and you aren’t even done peeing yet.

importance of me time

This is when the Importance of Me time really comes into play. Chances are, after all that… you need it. 

The Importance of Me Time- How to Get it

So, How do you do it? How do you get some “Me” time? What if you don’t have anyone you can call to watch your children? What if your husband works long hours and its virtually impossible to get away? Truthfully there are many times you can work in a small break. 

Wake up extra early– It may seem unpleasant but wake up before the alarm (your child) and spend that time pampering yourself.

After you put your kids to bed– dedicate at least 1/2 an hour to you, Do not do the dishes, Do not do the laundry. Just… breathe.. or whatever you want.

Call in a Favour– If you can find a sitter, ask a friend/family member to watch your child for a few hours.

Wait for Hubby– Wait until Husband/Daddy is home on the weekend… then disappear.

Don’t make excuses– Just do what you have to do. Like I said. Me time and its importance is… HUGE.

What to do With it

Ok, so now you have some “Me” Time, but what do you do with it? Listen here.. It BETTER NOT be laundry.. and don’t give me that “Laundry relaxes me…” crap…

Take a hot bath, close the door– turn off the lights, light a candle and sink into a tub. Try Lavender Bath salts for an extra relaxing soak in the tub. If a bath isn’t for you try something else that relaxes you beyond belief. Spending 1/2 an hour dedicated to deep breathing and silence may just do the trick. Relaxation is key once in a while.

If you were able to free a few hours– Do something out of the ordinary. Take in an afternoon movie at the theater, go for lunch, or take a long hike. Doing something that you wouldn’t usually participate in will make you feel adventurous and rejuvenated.

Give yourself an at-home Mani/Pedi – This doesn’t take much time and leaves you feeling beautiful and happy.

Take a nap whenever possible– If you have a few hours set aside, take a catnap. If you are one of those that can’t sleep during the day, just find a comfy spot and settle in. Close your eyes and think about things that make you happy.

Chat with friends for no reason– sometimes it’s hard to find the time to just chat with friends. Make time. Catch up even if it’s not in person.

Technically you should spend a portion, be it big or small, every day doing something that you enjoy. Even if it’s as simple as cooking a nice meal, baking, or walking the dog. That’s the importance of Me time.

Do you understand The Importance of Me time?


  1. Rupi R on September 16, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    Well written and great advice for all women! It always seems that you don’t have enough time to take a minute to relax or do some just for you but it’s not true. You HAVE to make that time or else you will lose yourself. I have taken up jogging…I know icky exercise lol! But it is a time that all else floats away and it’s only you and the road so it can be really relaxing believe it or not!

  2. New Years Resolutions- How To Keep Them on January 4, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    […] weight, Quit Smoking, Eat Healthier, Spend More “Me Time“…. All Common Resolutions and all commonly forgotten so quickly when January is over. […]

  3. […] ask myself constantly if I am putting him in Time Out too often, or find myself longing for “Me time” for what feels like an eternity… and then I feel wrong. I feel the need to make myself […]

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