
Being a Mom- Am I Doing It Right?

Being a Mom is never easy. Never. I constantly ask myself a million times: “Am I Doing it Right?” Chances are, I’m probably not. This is not me talking about the whole: “You Know You’re a Mother When….” thing.

Instead, You KNOW You’re a Mother and are pretty sure you stink at it. I am sure there are Mothers that can relate to feeling as though everything they do is wrong, or at least not 100% effective. You wonder what it is that you are doing that you could do better? How can you do it better? Why AREN’T you ALREADY doing it better?

The truth of the matter is, as far as I can tell, being a Mother is feeling guilty or not good enough quite frequently. But all those negative feelings of self doubt can be fixed with simple snuggle, hug or kiss from those little ones you are doing such a “terrible” job raising.

I am almost positive that there are a million things I can do better in life… I could take care of myself more with some Me Time, or do the dishes more frequently or perhaps clean that crayon off the wall that has been there for what seems like an eternity… but there is one thing that I don’t think I could EVER do better…. and that is LOVE my Children with all my heart.

I think as Mothers we need to know when to draw a line with the guilt and the questioning our parenting ability. Strive for the best, but make sure that doesn’t get in the way of loving your children, and you are already doing a fabulous job.

Being a Mom is Great- You Go Momma!

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