Posts Tagged ‘Crafts’
10 Thanksgiving Crafts & DIY Ideas
Thanksgiving weekend is coming fast. Like in a few hours fast! Yay! What better time for a great list of Thanksgiving crafts from a bunch of spectacular bloggers? There isn’t one. Right now is the time ladies and gentlemen! It’s time to start the Thanksgiving festivities. I can’t wait to go pick up the kids…
Read More20 DIY Holiday Crafts and Gifts
It’s almost time for the Holidays! There are so many DIY Holiday Crafts and Gifts that you can create with your family. What a great way to spend time together over the Holidays! Creating wonderful little DIY crafts to decorate, have fun with and enjoy is a fantastic way to spend time together and put…
Read More20 Autumn Decorations that you can make yourself
Autumn Decorations are an amazing way to welcome fall! I love DIY Autumn Decorations, especially ones that you can create with your children! With the Colder weather coming, I am totally feeling in the fall spirit! We have set to work putting up our Autumn decorations when I realized that I didn’t really have many…
Read MoreThanksgiving Crafts for Kids
It’s fall! Do you know what that means? Thanksgiving is soon! I love Thanksgiving. It’s such a great time to get together with friends and family and give thanks for all that you have in life. On top of all the awesome lovey dovey stuff, there is also a whole lot of food. Yes FOOD,…
Read MoreMonday Funday Linky Party April 27
Well hello there. I am happy to welcome you back to yet another, wonderful Monday Funday Linky Party! We can’t wait to see what you have to link up and share. New on Don’t Trash your Tech- Teach Your Children how to Recycle Their Gadgets Orillia Museum of Art and History- a Must Visit!…
Read MoreFamily Valentines Day Ideas for a Special day Together
Family Valentines Day Ideas are great for those that will be spending the day with their little ones too. I know, for us, we like to spend the day with the kids and do some fun things together. After the kids go to bed, we then settle down with a glass of wine and watch…
Read MoreLast Second Halloween Tips- Quick Ideas to make Halloween Special
Halloween is in a few days! If you are one of those people, that leave things to the last second and then panic… you are not alone. There are many things that can get in the way of fun! If you are looking to make this Halloween fun and and special last minuet, there is…
Read MoreAmazing DIY Halloween Crafts & Decoration Ideas
Halloween is fast approaching and we are excited! We love Halloween in this house and we especially love making our own treats and decorations. Not only is it more cost effective to DIY but it really is a great way to spend time with your family and have a great time! DIY Halloween Crafts &…
Read MoreGingerbread Cork Ornaments- DIY Christmas Ornaments
DIY Christmas Ornaments- Gingerbread Cork Ornaments What You Need: Sheets of Cork Fabric Paint Scissors Hot Glue Gun Ribbion What To Do: Cut out the shape of the character you want, give boys legs with pants and the females the dresses. Decorate you gingerbread character however you see fit, make them look like you! Allow…
Read MoreYou’re The Star Christmas Tree Ornament- DIY Christmas Ornaments
DIY Christmas Ornaments- You’re The Star What You Need: Green Craft Sticks Green Pipe Cleaners Sparkly Pipe Cleaners Various colour beads Photos of yourself/kids/family What You Do: Use the pipe cleaner to twist around the green craft stick in various lengths and heights to create a tree shape. Decorate your tree with the beads of…
Read MoreKiss Naturals Review & Giveaway! {Closed}
Well guess what?! This Ninja is a happy camper! I got the opportunity to work with Kiss Naturals and do a review of their Natural DIY Bath Fizzie Kit! YES… BATH FIZZIES! YAY! I also get to give away 2 of their amazing kits to 1 lucky winner! So look to the bottom of the…
Read MoreValentines Day Tips- Last Second Tips & Tricks
Welcome to Valentines Day Tips with Ninja Mommers! I hope that everyone is as lucky as I am to have people in their lives to spend it with. Every year Valentines Day comes, and every year I have no idea what to do with myself. I always wait until the last second and then wonder,…
Read MoreFather’s Day- DIY Father’s Day Gifts for all the Dads in Your Life
DIY Father’s Day Gifts are a great way to show how much you care… So today was spent running around like a Chicken with my head cut off trying to get things finished for Father’s Day. Yes, I know, I am awful. Last minuet for Husband/Daddy! Whatever! Every year Little Man and I make a…
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