Why Are So Many Kids Diagnosed With ADHD


There are so many kids in this world being diagnosed with ADHD. It seems that even your average high energy boy is called ADHD immediately upon arriving at age 2. With pediatricians so ready to toss a script to any parent who is confused about this time of high energy in the developmental stage of…

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6 Things Children Teach us

Children teach

Children teach us so many things. Parenthood is such a lovely time, watching our children grow from newborns into well rounded, responsible adults is the most rewarding job one ever holds in life. While we are busy teaching our children life lessons, skills and coping mechanisms for all that they will face in life, our…

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{Closed} Ninja Mommers’ Rockin’ JetBaby Giveaway!

Welcome to Ninja Mommer’s Rockin’ JetBaby Giveaway! I have teamed up with JetBaby to offer you a Fantastic Gift Card (Valued at $25 CDN) I am SO excited to get to do this Giveaway with JetBaby! Both my children have been dressed in their garb from day 1, I purchase my Baby Shower gifts there…

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