
Being a Stay at Home Mom IS Work- and it’s NOT easy either

Do you think Being a Stay at Home Mom is Work?  Many people seemingly don’t. In fact, there are several people out there that define motherhood as something entirely different. 

I have recently been told by a few people that I keep having kids so I don’t have to “work.” (Except, I DO have a work from home job as well that I have to balance with kids etc…)

Yes, That is it. In fact, I am going to have 20 so that I can relax with my feet up on the table all day for the next 20 odd years eating chocolate, reading magazines and watching TV.

Being a Stay at Home Mom IS Work! defines Work as follows:



1. exertion or effort directed to produce or accomplish something; labor; toil.

2. something on which exertion or labor is expended; a task or undertaking: The students finished their work in class.

3. productive or operative activity.



Nowhere in the definition does it say for you to “work” you have to get paid. It states that you have to exert effort directed to produce or accomplish something. Which for me would be considered “Fully functioning, happy, healthy, Members of society contributing in a positive manner.”

My job is a commitment FOREVER. And If I fail, I have RUINED A HUMAN BEING NOT A HAMBURGER!

 The best part of my job as a Stay At Home Mom is that it doesn’t pay very well in the money department. In fact, it doesn’t pay at all. If It did I would incur A LOT of overtime pay and have fancy new clothes and a nice haircut instead of these ripped sweatpants and this mop on my head.

So while some of you, without children, wake up to an alarm clock every morning, have a shower, slip on your work clothes and head off to your jobs. I wake up to the sound of children demanding food at any given hour in the morning. I skip a leisurely shower and go straight to MY work clothes. (which I always put on in the dark.) Then, I head to the kitchen to be a short-order cook, cleaner, childcare provider and most importantly, a teacher. I don’t get to punch out at the end of the day, I don’t get a paycheck at the end of the week, or a Christmas bonus. It’s all worth it to know that I put everything I can into developing my children into what will one day be fully functioning Adults.

In my opinion, Being a Stay at home Mom is work, but it’s a great job! One that I will treasure for years to come. 

Do you Believe Being a Stay at Home Mom is Work?


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