
Married to a Gamer- Wives Married to Gamers Anonymous, Will it Stop?

Married to a GamerAre you Married to a Gamer? Of course I have to brush this subject again. In all honesty, I don’t think it’s possible NOT to brush this subject. It’s a constant in our house. See, Hubby was doing a good job of playing Video Games, a lot. Ok, Endlessly. He sat on his lovely leather couch and started playing on our system. The only reason the system is not out the window yet is because I love it for Netflix, otherwise… arrivederci. In fact, I am pretty sure he played too much video games on that system. 

You will NEVER believe it! He STOPPED. He actually STOPPED…. 

playing video games on his system...

NOW it’s his gosh darn phone. Pardon me for my strong darn language, but holy bananas Batman, I am going to lose my marbles. 

I didn’t think it could get any WORSE. Except now… he has his phone with him…. ALL THE TIME. 

See, before we could go out and leave the console at home, and I wouldn’t have to repeat myself three times when asking him a question only to receive a blank stare. We could go out, leave the games at home and I would see what his face looks like when he is hearing what I am saying to him. HE ACTUALLY REACTED. He would smile, he would laugh. NOW? I get that same dumb look after finally poking him to get his attention, the blank stare, the out of place nod, he has no idea what he’s agreeing to! Heck, he could have just agreed to letting me buy a pink Maserati for all he knows, but he takes that chance. 

So, now I feel like throwing the phone out of a moving car. 

Are you Married to a Gamer?Does your Gamer only use a Console… or is his phone also a source of Insanity for you?

*Disclosure: This post is of Ninja Mommers opinion and is not meant to blame the video games themselves, or make gaming as a whole seem like a bad thing. Gaming can be a great way to relax as long as it’s not consuming you. This post is a personal account and meant to be seen in a light hearted, sarcastic light.*


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