Be a Better Mom, RELAX! Tips to Utilize Me Time

be a better momI have written about The Importance of Me Time before and how it can make you be a better mom, I know, so forgive me for repeating myself. However, I find myself needing the reminder about how important it can be to take the time out of your busy schedule as a Mom, to respect, value and appreciate yourself. Especially if you feel as though no one else does. 

There are many different reasons one can get overwhelmed, especially when you add Motherhood to the mix of other daily challenges. Contrary to what some believe, whether you are a stay at home mom, a work at home mom, a mom that works outside of the house or whatever else you may be with the term “Mom” inserted into the title, YOU WORK HARD! ALL THE TIME! 

You need some “Me time.” If you need it, TAKE IT. 

In my previous post, I outlined different ways to make time for you, as well as ideas in terms of what to do with that time once you had it. 

As always, I now have more to add. No, I know, I never shut up, but this is important! 

Tips To Utilize Me Time

1. Ensure the spot you choose to be alone is truly alone. If you have to lock yourself in a darn closet, then fine. Do not choose a spot where your children can knock on the door repeating “Mommy” a million times, or barge while you have one foot on the toilet and are bent over in a rather precarious position waxing your nether regions. 

2. Do not allow distractions. This is YOUR me time, not facebook’s. Disengage from all that for a while. (Unless of course your relaxation involves visiting and reading through my posts… in which case, please, proceed.) It is hard to relax and spend time on yourself when your phone is buzzing, your laptop is dinging with notifications and your tablet’s alarm is going off. 

3. Get Comfortable. It’s hard to relax when your t-shirt is riding up, your bra is pretty much sideways while the under wire digs into your armpit and your pants have made a new home in your rear end. Put on your jammies, look frumpy, who cares? It’s Me time, not Impress the wall time. 

Just make sure that you spend some me time as much as you need it. If you start talking to the wall because your children haven’t been listening, or you answer yourself back after a long winded self-talk, You probably NEED some me time.

How Do You Spend Your Me Time?


  1. Little Miss Kate on June 17, 2014 at 5:21 pm

    I usually spend my “Me Time” sleeping in!

  2. DeBalino on June 17, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    What an awesome post! I especially like #2 🙂 – and yes is the exception! Tee hee. But yes – I have only had haphazard “me” moments, and I always pay for it at the end of an exhausting week or two. It’s always good to make time for me time. I must confess – I don’t really prioritize this. Sometimes I go to the coffeeshop to work and I do feel an overwhelming sense of calm and focus. Yes – I’m still online and working, but I’m happy that way. No distractions, and I always feel so good bringing things to completion.

  3. Paula schuck on June 17, 2014 at 9:35 pm

    Ido need me time! No question. Now carving that out is another issue entirely. I am sick and I feel awful tis week but maybe next week I can do something for me. I need some mani pedi time.

  4. Suzanne Rudge (MapleMouseMama) on June 17, 2014 at 11:03 pm

    I really need to work on how best to get and then utilize me time. It is in short supply around here. To be the best person, best parent we can be we need to treat ourselves right!

  5. Christine on June 17, 2014 at 11:11 pm

    Such great tips!!! I often get ”me time” in the evening when I go take a bath. However, the girls always find a way to get in too! But, I enjoy the little quiet me time I manage to get before they rush in. 🙂

    Oh… I also love sitting on my back porch in the morning. It’s relaxing and my girls haven’t noticed yet that I go there. hehe My secret spot!

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