How to Get Your Kids Excited About Back to School
Back to School is coming quick and there are many different things to focus on this time of year. Not only do you have to ensure that your kids are ready, but you also have to try to ease any worries they may have about going back.
As a child, I was always so excited about back to school. I was THAT kids. You know, the one that wakes up super early to ensure that I had the best outfit, my hair was just right and I had eaten a nutritious breakfast with lots of time left to brush my teeth.
Not all kids are as excited for Back to School as I was, and looking back it makes me wonder if that “preparation” and “excitement” doesn’t translate a little to be more nerves and anxiety for me… it very well might have been.
Some kids need a little more of a nudge to get into the excitement of back to school and that’s ok. The right materials and preparation can get your little ones into the best mindset possible for back to school.
There are ways, that you can help your children get more (at least a little) into the back to school spirit!
Get Your Kids Excited About Back to School
Get a Fancy New Haircut
Take your little ones to get a fancy new haircut in time for back to school. Let them choose their styles, within reason of course. Not only will your children feel a little more grown up because they got to choose their own hairstyle, but they will have confidence while heading back to school.
Start Planning After School Activities
Back to school usually signifies a start to extra curricular activities. Sit down and discuss with your kids, some fun things that they can participate in after school. This will give them something else to look forward to and raise their excitement levels for back to school.
Plan fun Lunch Options
Make some fun and tasty back to school lunches at home and let them taste test things. This way they can choose what they like for their lunch boxes ahead of time. There are many different and easy recipes. We tried and tasted our Ham, Egg and Cheese lunch muffins before back to school and the kids can’t wait for school to start again, just so they can have their special “school lunches.”
Let Them Pick an Outfit
When you got back to school shopping, allow your little ones to choose an outfit for their first day back. Allowing your kids to choose their clothes for that first day will create excitement about getting to wear them and show them off to their friends. Face it we ALL feel a little better in some fancy new digs. This is another great way to boost your child’s confidence on that first day back to school.
School Supply Shopping
Allow your Children to help pick out the little things like lunch boxes, backpacks and pencil cases. Those little touches will give them something personal to bring to school, but also something they will be happy to get to use.
Invite Their Friends Over
Let your kids have their friends over for a play date! This will help to remind them how much fun can be had in school and will ensure that they remember that they have people that are close to them while they go to school.
Get Back on Track
Make sure to transition your kids off the Summer schedule and onto the school schedule. Making sure you stick to the routine early is a great way to ensure that your kids aren’t over tired starting their first day, which can make back to school seem like a negative thing. Making sure they get enough sleep and are in the right frame of mind for their first day is very important to making Back to School a positive thing.
Have a Photo Shoot
Make sure to take that iconic “first day of school” photo. Last year, we took one using a chalk board, we wrote on it to mark the day. We even got some photos with his Baby Sister saying: “I want to go too…” because she doesn’t start school until this year! This year we will be doing some with each and both of them!
Are your Kids Excited for Back to School?