
What NOT to Say to Stay at Home Moms- 15 Things to Avoid Voicing

If you are wondering what not to say to stay at home moms, you have come to the right place. Prepare to be educated.

If you aren’t a stay at home mom it can be hard to understand what it is that stay at home moms do all day. It can seem as though it’s a mystery. In fact, even my husband doesn’t quite understand it. He doesn’t seem to understand why I may not have time to call the bank for him during the day, or email his mother. There is a simple explanation for that. My kids won’t let me sometimes! Not all the time, but sometimes, the second I pick up the phone they are fighting, need a drink, or hurt themselves. It’s life. If he can make the phone call to ask me to make a phone call, he should have used that phone call to call the dang bank himself. I am getting ahead of myself here, this isn’t me ranting about how little my husband understands about being home keeping the house clean and dealing with kids all day every day… That’s for another day. 

The point of today, is to let you in on what not to say to stay at home moms, or at least what to try NOT to say. I would suggest trying hard, these can really upset someone. If you don’t know what not to say to stay at home moms, well, you are about to find out. 

What not to Say to Stay at Home Moms- 15 Things to Avoid Voicing

1. Must be Nice to get to Stay Home.

In fact, it is nice. Easy? No. Nice? Yes, sometimes. 

 2. What do you do all day?

Nothing. I do nothing all day. Is that what you are implying?

 3. Do you think you will ever get a real job?

A REAL Job? Excuse me? 

 4. Don’t you ever wish you had your own Money?


 5. I would be so bored!

You wouldn’t have time to be bored, and if you do, fire the nanny and get back to me.

 6. I should get pregnant so I don’t have to work either!

OH! Yes, you should! Do that. Call me in 9 months and let me know how this “not working” thing is going for you! 

 7. Why sweatpants? Don’t you have anything else?

I do, but I hardly want to be running to the dry cleaner 4 times a day to get peanut butter off my designer pants. 

 8. Your husband must make a lot of money to allow you to stay at home!

Allow? No. Agreed upon by both parties? Yes. Lots of Money? No, but we make it work!

 9. You look tired, go for a nap today!

Shall I do that before, or after the kids decide to throw sparkles all over the house?

 10. Enjoy every second of it, they grow up so fast. 

I get that they grow up fast, but I mean, how can one enjoy EVERY second? Unless you enjoy being pooped on. 

 11. Do you ever feel like you wasted all that money on your education just to stay at home?

“Just” to stay home? WOW! You have opened my eyes to the education I have left behind. 

 12. Does your Husband give you an allowance?


 13. So what do you do with all that free time?

Think of all the dumb questions I hear constantly…. and what free time?

 14. It must be nice not to have a boss! 

It is interesting that the people that run my day are less than 3ft tall and can barely talk if that’s what you mean. 

 15. How is your house so messy if you’re home all day?

Because so are the kids.

 What Dumb things Have People Said to you about being a Stay at Home Mom? Do you know what not to say to stay at home moms?

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