It’s Coming- The Great Canadian Blog Bash! #TGCBB
“Oh Canada, Our Home and Native Land…”
Well Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s fast approaching! The Great Canadian Blog Bash is coming up in honour of Canada’s Birthday and it’s going to be a doozie! If you haven’t heard of it and wish to find out more of the “Intimite details” Please hop on over to one of the blogs listed below as your Party Hosts and read until your little Canadian heart is content…
Introducing Your Wonderful Party Hosts:
Whispered Inspirations, Kat’s Confessions, GoodGirlGoneGreen, Mom vs. the Boys and Pampered Patty
I am pretty excited to get to be part of this event for several reasons. The main one of course being that I am Canadian born, raised and plan on never leaving and it’s in honour of my great Country’s Birthday.. But also because I am totally all for Supporting Canadian Made products! Another reason to be excited!? Yep.. there are more… Because I get to meet more Canadian Bloggers just like me, and so far I must admit every single one I have met along the way has proven to be helpful and a great read! I will jump at the chance to meet more great Canadian Bloggers and I am sure you will too! We Love having fun with the Great Canadian Blog Bash and I am willing to bet that you will too!
I am proud to be Canadian for many reasons. If I got into all of them right now, we would be here all day! No one has that kind of time so I will just say what I came here to say in the first place…
In Partnership with Mabel’s Label’s I am also offering a Giveaway here.
I look forward to partying hard with all of you and following new great blogs! So Get on over there, link up and See ya soon!
Yay! Great post and we are also excited to have you on board on our first ever #TGCBB! Welcome and I hope you have a great time!!
So glad you are joining in on The Great Canadian Blog Bash! Don’t forget to the Twitter Kick-Off Event too!
Ok I totally need to look into this, sounds like fun. Go Canada!!
I just popped by your blog for the first time. Yay for the autism button on your side bar. My 5 y/o has autism!
YAY! I’m joining you for the party!!!!
Thanks for jumping in to the party! It’s awesome to meet other Canucks out there in the blogosphere!
Hi lady! Thanks so much for joining us and the great post! Have fun hopping!
I’m a little late to the party, but wanted to say thanks for stopping by and joining TGCBB!