Recipes for Busy Parents- What’s for Dinner Wednesday!
Recipes for Busy Parents? You got it! Welcome back to Ninja Mommers’ What’s for Dinner Wednesday!
So lately I have been working on some weight loss and fitness goals. Exercises for Busy parents can be hard to come by sometimes, but eating right can be even harder!
Tonight is something we have only had once before, the kids gobbled it up and so did the husband. They had NO IDEA how healthy it actually was. The mister always seems to complain when I cook “diet food”, which in his mind means anything that isn’t complete with a pile of cheese and bacon on the top!
Spinach & Sweet Potato Quesadillas
What You Need:
1 1/2 Medium Sweet Potaters (That’s right I said Potaters)
3/4 C of Red Wine Vinegar
1/4 C Sugar
Sliced 1/2 Med. Red Onion
1/4 Tsp Salt
Pinch of Pepper
8 Toritillas
5 1/2 C Spinach
1 C. Low fat Cheese
3 Tbsp. Olive Oil
What To Do:
1. Stick the sweet potaters into the microwave for about 15 mins, or until they have reached tenderness.
2. Using a large pot, combine the Vinegar and Sugar. Boil the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Remove from heat and add the onions, allowing them to combine for approx 10 mins before moving them to a plate to cool down.
3. Take the flesh out of the potaters and put it in a bowl, mash all together with salt and pepper and place on top of 4 of the tortillas, top each with 1/4 of the spinach and some of the cheese and then the remaining tortillas.
4. Use a skillet to brown the tortillas in Olive oil until crispy. Serve with onions.
I like to serve these with a dollop of low fat sour cream and homemade Salsa along with a side spinach salad!
Check out More Recipes for Busy Parents with our other What’s for Dinner Wednesday Recipes!