Ninja Mommers’ 5th Day Of Christmas- Top 5 Family Christmas Movies!
Well here we are again. Everyone has their favorite Holiday Movies or Specials they enjoy with their families every year. These are my top 5 Favorite ones of all time. I make sure to share them with my family every year!
So On the 5th Day of Christmas Your True Ninja gives to you…
Ninja’s Top 5 Favorite Family Christmas Movies/Specials:
1.Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer (1964)
Always a favorite with my Sister and I growing up, I make sure that I watch this every year. In fact my Mom bought a copy of it on DVD to watch with Little Man. Life Lessons, Abominable snow men, and Burl Ives! WIN! Once I watch this I can’t help but belt out “Silver and Gold” for the rest of the season.
2,Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town (1970)
Fred Astaire Narrates this classic.. Need I say more?! Who DOESN’T love that clever mail man telling you the story of how Santa Claus became, well, Santa Claus. Mickey Rooney plays Santa in this adorable Christmas story. Another that I have watched since I was little with my family and now choose to share with my kids. Little Man LOVED this movie with all the animals and Burgermeister Meisterburger whos name made him giggle every time.
3.A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
You can’t help but fall in love with that tiny little pathetic tree that Charlie picks out. Who can blame him!? That poor darn tree. This Christmas special has been a favorite with me since I Was a kid- obviously for different reasons than I love it now. I love it for the lesson it teaches, that Christmas isn’t about commercialism and reminds us that what it is about is the birth of Jesus Christ. Even if that isn’t involved in your belief system this special is still a great Christmas special teaching your children that nothing is or has to be perfect.
4.How The Grinch Stole Christmas (1966)
Before that movie with Jim Carrey in it, there was the original cartoon version that I have watched every year. Boris Karloff narrates this classic that serves to teach children that Christmas isn’t all about the presents and lights and trees. This one doesn’t get all religious on you but does serve the purpose to show that Christmas is about Family and those you love, NOT about what you get or who’s tree is fancier.
5.Frosty The Snowman (1969)
I can’t help but giggle every time that silly Frosty is brought to life with that magical top hat and his response is “Hap-py Birthday!” Oh it cracks me up every time.  It’s worth the watch just for that part. As much as we are supposed to dislike the “Bad Guy” named Hinkle I also can’t help but giggle at his overly nasal voice and his love for repeating himself over and over and over no matter how evil it is.
I guess by now you’ve noticed that these are all older movies and there isn’t one “New” one on there. That’s just because Christmas movies are not the same anymore! They are more focused on being “Politically Correct” and have become Holiday specials with absolutely no life lessons (Or very minimal) and glorify the parts of Christmas that don’t need glorifying.