Well, Ladies and Gentlemen the time has come for me to introduce you to my stubborn daughter.. remember the one that was causing me so much discomfort yet refusing to come? She was born one day later than her due date and when she decided she was coming… she was coming with a vengeance. On Wednseday morning at 5am I was awoken to a pain that had me breath and gasp and then fell back asleep… I had no idea what it was.. and I didn’t care because I was sleeping…. Then the next pain came and woke me up… making me take deep breaths to even deal with it.. WAS THIS A CONTRACTION? I was in shock.. wait a second… I am not ready. So I got out of bed and marched myself down the stairs to the kitchen… For whatever reason I thought that being downstairs would bring things to light. I sat down and there was another one… Sure enough…. CONTRACTIONS! YIKES! So I whipped out the trusty cell phone and started timing them and writing them down. 15 minuets apart… ok I can deal… Walked around for a second and then hightailed my arse upstairs where I woke the husband. He kept snoring. “HELLO I AM IN LABOUR STOP SNORING!” like what IS it with men? So I hopped back into bed and started to time them some more… umm 7 minuets already!?? Yeah right… that can’t be right… It’s only 6am… it’s only been an hour since the first contraction.. Next contraction came… YEP 7 minuets. Interesting. Little Man wakes up at 6:30 and comes into our room, I get out of bed and let him have my spot as I pace up and down the hallway.. 5 Minuets- time to call our friends and get them prepared to watch Little Man while we go to the hospital.

“Epic-dural” I am a happy camper
Arrived at the hospital at 8am- Contractions are now 3 minuets apart and I am a good 3-4Cms dialated and they admit me to the Birthing Unit. I wanted the epidural, but they made me wait.. Thanks guys. So I sat there until about 11 when I finally got the dang thing. They hadn’t checked my cervix since I had been admitted… and I laid there having contractions after the epidural chatting away and smiling my face off… this is why I call it the “Epic-dural” because it is truly “EPIC”. At about noon I had this insane amount of pressure- my water hadn’t broken yet and I told the nurse- finally the obstetrician on call came in and decided to check me, my waters were bulging out and broke as she checked me… then she announced.. “9 Cm’s almost 10.” I was shocked.. it was only 12:30… where did the time go!? So then it was the waiting game- “wait until there is so much pressure that you can’t help but push” is what I was told- so there I lay feeling insane amounts of pressure- pressure I didn’t remember feeling when  I was in labour with my first when I had the epidural. I called the nurse and she got the obstetrician and we started on our journey. A few good pushes later and our daughter made her way into this world at 2:02PM.. of course that was after her shoulders got stuck and she came out sunny side up… FUN! They threw her on my belly and I grabbed for her, grasping to her body. She was HUGE… seriously! I was shocked… They took her to clean her off and get her ready to come to Mommy and when they announced her weight I nearly stopped breathing- 10 pounds- SERIOUSLY. Are you kidding? Would explain the crazy amounts of discomfort I have been in… BIG GIRL. So without further ado I introduce to you… BABY GIRL!
So we have finally welcomed our 10lb Baby Girl into this world. Little Man is a great Big Brother like I knew he would be. He came and saw us that day in the hospital and the next morning and we got some pictures… they are worth 1,000 words.
I am the happiest Ninja In the World right now, These are precious moments. I Am so proud of My Little Man for being so loving and caring and so happy that my family is officially complete.
And thus a Ninja daughter has been born! Mwa ha ha! So does that mean I’m giving birth to a kitten ninja? lol. Way to go Jen! I admire your strength!
[…] was going to be an uncle because my Little Sister was pregnant! We found out I was pregnant with Baby Girl and Little Man was going to be a big brother too! We finally moved into our own house again, […]
Omg so precious. Congrats she is beautiful.
Thank you so very much! This was a few years ago! She’s 3 now!
Time Flies!