Funny Kids Quotes- Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday
Funny Kids Quotes are fun and Little Man made me laugh so hard this week that I thought I was going to strain something… In fact, I probably did. OUCH.
It is fall here and almost all the trees have shed their leaves lately, in fact they are looking quite naked. Because we live in the great white north, it comes pretty fast leaving nothing but leaves and chilly winds for us to enjoy.
It was first thing in the morning, I was getting Little Man ready for school and was quite invested in making myself a coffee and assembling his lunch. Out of nowhere, Little Man looked out the window and said:
“Ahhh Mommy the trees are all broken! There is no hair on them or anything… They look kinda like Papa! I NEED green trees!”
First of all, I have no idea where he got the “Hair” part, because he is WELL aware that what adorns the trees are called leaves, so the fact that he referred to leaves as hair had me in stitches….. What a kid.
* Don’t forget to come back every week for a new Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday! *
Love this!!!
thanks for sharing his little words. nothing is cuter than the “where did they come up with that” moments from your children
LOL that is too cute.. I love the way kids think 🙂
So sweet. My son is just starting to say cute things like this!