Funny Kids Quotes-Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday!
Oh hi! Yep- still here. Funny kids Quotes? Yep- STILL pregnant. Although who knows.. Little Man made me laugh this week. Little Man looked right at me the other day and said:
“Baby Girl is coming on Saturday Mommy!”
I replied with “Why do you say that!?”
Little Man looked at me very seriously and said: “It’s Just Saturday OK mommy!?”
I kind of want to know where he got this idea. He is CONVINCED she’s coming tomorrow. He must also be excited, almost as excited and Daddy and I are. I can’t wait. Seriously, this waiting game is taking forever to just end.
But I couldn’t believe how matter of fact Little man was about the day and that surprised me on many levels. 1) because we haven’t really learned the days of the week yet so I am not sure where he got that from and 2) because it was so random!
So.. we will see tomorrow I guess! Fingers crossed because this is getting insane. I swear this baby is going to weigh almost 8 million tonnes. I feel like I am hauling around a toddler in there I swear. It’s like an ongoing circus act. All I need is clowns.
Come on little man! Be right on the money!!!!