Our Eczema Story and How Nutratopic, by Intega Skin Sciences Has Helped #Nutratopic
Ever since I was a young girl, I was plagued by eczema. It doesn’t sound so bad, but I am telling you… it can be. Sometimes I was left feeling like I could scratch my “spots” as I used to call them, with a fork. It was pretty awful. Finding relief seemed darned near impossible.
Then, years later, I was blessed with our second born, a little girl. Baby girl was born, and she was beautiful but her skin was already starting to show signs of eczema. After a few weeks, she was red and raw all over. We consulted doctors that couldn’t give us any straight advice. Many said different things. Don’t bathe her, bathe her 3x’s a day. Everything was conflicting. We finally found that giving her 2 baths a day with oil and ensuring we keep her moisturized were things that helped to keep her skin more clear. She is now almost 5 and while her skin has become much more manageable, there are still break outs and irritated spots.
When the weather gets warmer, baby girl seems to have more outbreaks. Her sweat points get dry and itchy. It keeps her up at night. The use of sunscreen and so on also seems to irritate her skin, but with her having such fair skin, we have to make sure we apply it.
We decided to give Nutratopic by Intega Skin Sciences a try and I have to tell you. We love it!
Nutratopic by Intega Skin Sciences
Baby girl and I have both been using Nutratopic for our atopic skin for about 3 weeks now. She uses it on her sweat points where she gets break outs and I use it on my eczema prone areas to ward off any break outs.
Why We Love Nutratopic by Intega Skin Sciences for Eczema
We have tried many different products that are out on the market for eczema. I have to be honest, I was starting to get discouraged. I am not a huge fan of the heavily medicated and abrasive creams and ointments out there, so I was hoping that I could find something a little more gentle. Nutratopic has given us what we are looking for on so many different levels.
Relieves Itching
This was a big one for us. Those with eczema know my struggle. There have been times that I am so itchy I wake up in the middle of the night having already scratched my eczema spots raw in my sleep. The itch is certainly REAL. I know baby girl has struggled with that as well, it’s sad to watch her struggle with not scratching her spots. Eczema can be excruciatingly itchy! Once we started using the Nutratopic, I have noticed a huge different in how much it itches. In fact, it takes the itch right out and I have not woken once scratching, and neither baby girl! This also means a better nights sleep.
Range of Products
Nutratopic is available in infant facial cream, emollient lotion, emollient cream (for kids) and protective bath gel. Thus allowing you to choose which products suit you best.
Provides Extended Protection
Nutratopic helps to break the cycle of atopic skin by providing extended protection and control. We have found a lesser occurrence of an outbreak in our problem areas while we have been using Nutratopic. It also provides deep hydration and restores barrier function, by reinforcing the lipid mantle though the use of ceramides, omega-6, and L-isoleucine. Less outbreaks mean being more comfortable.
Inhibits Bacterial Adhesion
A huge problem with eczema is that any scratching can open up your skin and make it vulnerable to bacteria. Using Nutratopic can help ease your mind as it inhibits bacterial adhesion, lessening your chances of infection.
It Really Works!
We just love Nutratopic because it works, let’s be honest. I am a huge fan of anything that provides relief from eczema. I have been suffering for over 20 years myself with it, and it has been frustrating to find something that works. I feel like I have finally found relief for myself and my daughter. Watching your little one struggle and go through the same things you have with your atopic skin is never easy, especially when you are struggling with solutions and all you want to do is help. Nutratopic can and will help.
If you are looking to buy Nutratopic by Intega Skin Sciences you can visit their website and take a look at your options. You won’t regret it, we sure as heck don’t.

Baby Girls Arms Before and After Using Nutratopic
Give it a try, you won’t regret it. I am so happy that we have finally found some relief!
“Disclosure: I am part of the Intega Influencer Campaign and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.”