DIY Scary Scarecrow- DIY Halloween Decorations
We love Halloween and every year we make ourselves a scary Scarecrow to put in our yard…
The good thing about this is that you can use materials you have laying around the house and personalize your scary Scarecrow to look however you want! Last year we made Batman! We even used an old cape! He looked AWESOME!
I am unsure yet who we will be creating this year… but I am so looking forward to it.
DIY Scary Scarecrow 
1. Old clothes large or small, you decide if you want a big one or a tiny one. You will need a long sleeve shirt, long pants, gloves (If you don’t have any you can grab some from your closest dollar store) and a pair of old boots or shoes that you won’t mind sitting outside for Halloween. If you don’t have any extra boots or shoes, you can always just use socks.
2. Newspaper and lots of it.
3. Plastic shopping bag
4. Elastic Bands
5. Markers
6. Twist Ties
6. A mask, a wig or a hat (or all 3)
1. Crumple up newspaper and fill your clothes with it.
2. Close off all openings of the clothes, (leg holes, waist, arm holes etc.) With the elastic bands. Attach the shirt to the pants at waist by wrapping a twist tie around the waist of the pants and the short where closed with the elastic. Do the same with each glove.
3. Fill plastic bag with newspaper and secure shut with elastic. Attach head to neck of the shirt with twist ties similar to the way you attached the shirt and pants.
4. Find a place for your scary Scarecrow to sit.
5. Once sitting, stuff pant legs into boots or shoes.
6. Using twist ties, attach wig, mask and/or hat to plastic bag…
VOILA! Your own DIY Scary Scarecrow.