What Does Motherhood Mean to You- My Definition of Motherhood

The definition of Motherhood can be seen in many different lights. Of course, like anything else, there are literal and technical definitions of “Motherhood.” However, I believe my question here is what YOUR definition of Motherhood is.

Dictionary.com defines Motherhood as the following:

moth·er·hood [muhth-er-hood]

noun: 1. the state of being a mother; maternity. 2. the qualities or spirit of a mother. 3. mothers collectively. adjective: 4. having or relating to an inherent worthiness, justness, or goodness that is obvious or unarguable: legislation pushed through on a motherhood basis.

I actually rather like the dictionary definition of Motherhood. I am unsure what I like most about it. Maybe it is the fact that it defines it as a quality or spirit, or as an inherent worthiness, justness or goodness that can’t be argued with.

I am one of those that truly believes that just because you gave birth to a child, doesn’t mean you are a mother. I believe the title of mother, mommy or mom have to be earned through love, taking care of your child, and actually making an effort as a parent.

What Motherhood Means to Me

  • Slobbery, Snot nosed kisses
  • Diaper explosions
  • Temper tantrums
  • Sticky hugs
  • Wiping tears
  • Kissing Boo-boos
  • Sacrifices
  • Cutting the crusts off sandwiches
  • Always second guessing yourself
  • Scaring the monsters in the closet away
  • Acting like a kid again
  • Building block towers
  • Dancing, and lots of it
  • Silly sounds
  • Excited firsts
  • Sleepless nights
  • Patience
  • Comfortable clothes
  • Never being alone… not even in the bathroom
  • Laughing so hard you can’t breathe
  • So much love you could build a home with it, and that is just what you did.
There are many different things that make a mother, and if I went into everything it would take me years. My children are only 1 and 4, so as they grow I am sure my meaning of Motherhood will change.

What does Motherhood mean to you?


  1. Jody @ Mommy Moment on February 10, 2013 at 2:56 am

    Motherhood is taking advantage of each moment. It’s those moments that turn into memories that last a lifetime 🙂

    • Ninja Mommers on February 10, 2013 at 3:43 pm

      Memories- Creating and reliving them. That is a large part of motherhood! 🙂

  2. torviewtoronto on February 10, 2013 at 3:05 am

    I like the list and I agree it is so many things

    • Ninja Mommers on February 10, 2013 at 3:43 pm

      Of course there are more than listed. 🙂 Thank you.

  3. ashley picco on February 10, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    I agree, giving birth doesn’t make you a mother. I am not sure exactly how I would define it, but there are many qualities on your list that I agree with!

  4. Kathryn at Mommy Kat and Kids on February 10, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    To me, motherhood is doing what’s best for your child even if it’s something that will be horribly painful and difficult for you personally. Because they are what matters most.

  5. Little Miss Kate on February 10, 2013 at 3:36 pm

    Right now motherhood is a lot of dealing with melt downs and getting lots of hugs

    • Ninja Mommers on February 10, 2013 at 3:44 pm

      Yes, we are dealing with stuff like that here right now too.

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