
Cure Summer Boredom with These Easy Ideas for Your Kids

The first week of summer break arrives and it’s complete, utter joy! You missed the kids and they missed you, school is out and a strict routine flies away with it. That first week is a blissful time full of laughter, entertainment and kids being happy. Then you enter into the second week of summer and that’s when the boredom sets in, no longer at the kids happy doing absolutely nothing. It’s time to enforce some of the summer break routine ideas we shared the previously while also working towards creative ways to cure summer boredom.

Cure Summer Boredom

To cure summer boredom, get the kids involved in learning a new hobby. If you have a local arts center or public town library check in to see what activities they offer for children during the summer season. Many local facilities have a wide range of programs geared to keeping kids from summer boredom and learning new skills. Print out the options your town offers and have the kids select a few things of interest to them, citing that you will be having them attend at least one of the options this summer.

Check out the recreational division of your town or city as a means to see what sports activities they offer during summer break. Getting kids involved in sports during the off season helps maintain their team player spirit that is needed during the school year. Having your kids play sports also gives them something to look forward to when the bliss of summer break has ended during that second week of summer time.

Create a YouTube recording studio, even if you never upload these videos online it will make for great family footage later in life. Setup a green screen using green poster board and proper lighting and have your kid work together to plan out a video series they will work on during summer break. Have the kids set a release date and work together to plan each stage of this video series. Once the kids have established a mission and release date for the video series, have an end of summer release party for them as you feature their video to family and friends you invite over for the “film release”.

The number one tip to curing summer boredom this year is to make sure you are keeping the kids occupied, be it crafts or extracurricular activities remember that the kids have just gone from a pretty rigid school schedule to a lax summer season. All kids need structure and things to entertain their mind as a means to not suffer from the blues of summer boredom.

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