Canada Day: 10 Funny Things I Love about Raising Kids in Canada

It’s Canada Day! Happy Birthday Canada! Right?! Yes! I hope you are having an amazing celebration with people you love. Have some bacon, crack a beer, play some good old road hockey and eh, relax ok ya hoser? 

Love About Raising Kids in Canada

On another note, I was contemplating the other day, how much I love raising kids in Canada and how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful country. I figured in honour of this wonderful country, on it’s birthday, I would share with you, why I think that raising kids in Canada is the beaver’s tail eh. 

10 Things I Love about Raising Kids in Canada 

1. Igloos are amazing places to raise kids. If they get an ouchie, we just let them lean against the wall and our drinks are never warm. 

2. Toonies and Loonies are a great way to reward kids for chores, they can take them down to the nearest Timmies and buy some Timbits. 

3. Road hockey is amazing exercise. 

4. My neighbour Sue, Do you know her? Yeah, she’s amazing at cooking some good old Back Bacon, the kids love her.

5. There are a great number of different Tuques to purchase here, many different styles, and they keep your kids noggin warm. 

6. We have the best Donairs… kids love Donairs. 

7. Our kids learn really fast that being a Keener, isn’t the way to get what you want.

8. Canada allows us to teach our kids to Give’r with everything they do! 

9. What child, would ever want to be raised without All Dressed Chips?! Here in Canada, they don’t have to be. 

10. FREEZIES are a child hood staple, Mr. Freeze anyone? He raised me. Just sayin’. 

Raising your children in Canada is a privilege for many reasons, serious reasons, beyond my silliness. 

What are your Reasons for thinking Raising Kids in Canada is Great? 

Happy Canada Day Everyone! 


  1. Tammy on July 1, 2015 at 10:11 am

    Love it!!

  2. theflyingcouponer on July 1, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    FREEZIES raised me too! Haha love them so much! Great list!

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