
How to Get Rid of Mommy Guilt

As Mothers, we ALL know Mommy Guilt too well! It comes at the worst times, and stays around for what seems like years. As Mothers many feel guilty for almost everything we do, or do not do! Stop IT!

I am one to talk, recently my family took the kids for the weekend… YES THE ENTIRE WEEKEND! And I think I was having a coronary the entire time! I was literally freaking out, and the guilt set in quickly. I mean, a Kid free weekend? How could I possibly leave my kids for an entire weekend?! Well, guess what? I did, and it was glorious. But, alas, I was plagued by guilt that I slept in, I Was plagued by guilt that I enjoyed it even a little. I felt so bad for having a good time that the good time ended up feeling not so good.

How to Get Rid of Mommy Guilt?

Reflect– If you are feeling guilty about something you have done, take a breath and reflect. Did it hurt your kids? Is everyone still in tact? Were their lives in danger? Did you do something punishable by law (and no, not “Mommy Law” actual LAW)? If the answer to these questions is “No.” Then you need to realize that the guilt you are feeling is just plain pointless.

Push Through– Push through the feelings of guilt. Think positive. Your Children will be happier if you are happier, so stop worrying so much about ruining them, and just have fun! They will thank you!

Stop Thinking You Need to be Perfect– NO one is perfect. Get the perception that everything you do as a parent needs to be absolutely flawless out of your head! Everyone makes mistakes, you can’t do everything 100% spot on 100% of the time. The sooner you accept that imperfection doesn’t mean WRONG, the guilt will leave… don’t let the door hit it in the butt on the way out.

Everyone feels Mommy guilt at one time or another. Put it this way, if you haven’t knowingly put your children in physical danger or something stupendous then trust me, you are in the same guilt boat as many other mommys out there. Time to put on your life jacket and swim to shore… the guilt boat is no fun.

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