4 Ways To Protect Your Children’s Eyes in a High Tech World

Protect Your Kids Eyes

With our high tech world it’s no wonder more and more kids are using technological devices both at home and at school. With many schools implementing computerized testing, requirements of having Chrome books and similar in classrooms, kids are often spending over 7 hours a day with their eyes on a screen. While many parents…

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Motivate Children to do Chores with these 4 Tips

Motivate Children

Looking for a good way to Motivate Children to do chores? Chores are a way to teach kids that they are a part of a team. The whole family has a mutual obligation to maintain some level of cleanliness and organization within the household. When you make chores a priority for your kids from day…

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To the Person That Said Having Two Kids Was Easier Than One

We are fighting. Fisticuffs over here. You know why? Because my kids are fighting and it’s ACTUALLY freaking fisticuffs over here. So your unwelcome advice that having two kids would be “so much easier than having one” was incredibly far off… at least most of the damn time. You see, I do want two kids.…

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Cope with Mom Stress – Save Your Cotton Balls

Mom stress can grab you tightly by the proverbial Cotton Balls and not let go if you let it. Let’s save those Cotton Balls to remove your Nail Polish shall we? Yes, we shall. We can’t let the stresses of being a Mom consume us. We just can’t. If we do, it takes away all…

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How to Help Kids Handle Emotions

It can seem impossible to help kids handle emotions. As a parent our main job is to teach our kids to lead a happy, healthy and positive life so that they grow up to be a well-rounded member of society. Every parent defines what well-rounded means for their own family unit, but there’s one thing…

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What Does Being a Mom Mean? – The Meaning of Mom

Being a Mom

When you first get this job title of Mom, you imagine all of those tough decisions. Breast or bottle, to circumcise or not, co-sleeping or independent sleeping will be some of the most challenging portions of your motherhood career. It seems like those are the most intense topics that everyone discusses when you announce that…

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Positive Parenting – Stay Calm When You’re Losing it

positive parenting

Most everyone should understand the fact that when we remain positive others around us remain in the same mindset. Welcome parenthood, where the attempt to remain cool, calm and collected is tested at every corner! Even the most fabulous of parents have moments when they are just about to lose it. Have no fear, we…

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Mom Stress Test- Are you a Stressed Mother?

Mom Stress

Mom stress got you down? If you are a stressed out Mom then it may help you to calm when you realize you are not alone. Most moms say that motherhood is incredibly stressful while nearly 96% of those moms state they don’t think their own Mom was this stressed when raising them. Perception is…

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