
Summer Break Plans- Inexpensive Ways to Keep Kids Busy This Summer

It’s almost time to make the kids some summer break plans. In just a few short months Summer shall be upon us and with that comes the need to find ways to entertain the kids. If you are a work from home parent you know how difficult it can be to get some work done while the kids are running wild in the house, so today we wanted to share with you 10 inexpensive ways to keep kids busy this Summer so you can get some work done!

Summer Break Plans for Kids

  1. Make a Photo Journal – have your kids choose some photos and go have them printed out. Using construction paper, have the kids create a photo journal for gifts to family members.
  2. Stage a Scavenger Hunt – before the kids are awake, set up a scavenger hunt for them and listen to the cheers as they find each item, while you get work done in the office.
  3. Blanket Fort – kids are never too old for a good blanket fort, help the kids setup a blanket fort equipped with toys & maybe even a view of the TV for hours of fun.
  4. Sprinkler – setup a sprinkler outside and just let the kids get cooled off while you work from your laptop to keep an eye on them.
  5. Finger Paints – have the kids setup a large sheet of paper outside, dress them in clothes you don’t care about and let them have a blast with finger paints.
  6. Indoor Bowling – purchase a cheap bowling kit and let the kids have bowling tournaments inside or outside.
  7. Outdoor Sports – be sure to stock up on some cheap bats, balls and other outdoor sports equipment before Summer arrives & designate outdoor sports time for the kids.
  8. Water Outdoor Plants – have the kids go around the yard with a garden water bucket to water all of the outdoor plants.
  9. Obstacle Course – setup an inside or outside obstacle course for the kids, when they complete it have them set it up a little differently, this will give them hours of fun.
  10. Give them a Garden Hose – if all else fails, turn the garden hose on and let them have a blast, nothing beats cold water from a garden hose on a hot Summer day.

There are many inexpensive ways to keep the kids busy during their Summer break, it’s all a matter of getting in touch with your own inner child. Make your summer break plans by thinking outside of the box and working with what you know each kid enjoys most. If you have plenty of activities for the kids to do, you will have less moments of boredom and in turn get quite a bit of work completed for your clients.

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