
Stress Management for Mothers

Stressed out? Want to find a way to relax? Wondering when you will ever get to relax again? My advice: Don’t have kids.

Just Kidding! Obviously, it’s too late for that if you were wondering how to manage your stress as a Mother, because, well, you very clearly already have kids. In fact, the children are totally worth the stress and you and I both know that.

Many times, as Mothers, we attribute the stress in our lives to being busy Mothers but that’s rarely the case. Yes, being a Mother can be trying and stressful at times, but what is causing the brunt of the stress has little, or nothing to do with how busy you are with the kids. The stress can be attributed to a few key factors that you are allowing to get in the way of a relaxing environment. There are things you can do to feel less “Busy”, and things you need to focus on changing to bust the stress.

1. You aren’t getting enough “Me Time“. I can’t stress enough the importance of taking time that is just for you, and by that I don’t mean just for you to clean the house. I mean; Just for you to relax, breathe and be yourself as an adult…as opposed to yourself as a Mommy crawling around on the floor under forts made of chairs and old bed sheets. Trust me; You can and will find the time for it.

2. You are letting “Mommy Guilt” get to you. Stop focusing so much on what you think you may be doing wrong and start taking credit for the great things you are instilling in your children and others.

3. Â You don’t have an outlet. Everyone needs an outlet for their stress. If you don’t allow yourself the time to have one, you are only causing yourself more stress. For example; some people enjoy writing in a journal, drawing or singing… even if it’s in the shower. Next time you are in the shower belt out “We are the champions” as loud as you can into your shampoo bottle.

Stress is a pain… literally. It’s not healthy to be over stressed. Take some time for yourself, stop feeling guilty and acquire an outlet. Believe me your family will thank you and you will feel great!



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