
Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday!

Funny Quotes

Welcome back to “Little Man’s Funny Quotes Friday!

Of course this week was full of all kinds of different adventures. They always are! Our house can get pretty busy. It’s always lots of fun though. Unless I am falling down the stairs, or being followed to the bathroom constantly. Those are things I could do without. I will live though. 

It was Little Man’s Birthday this week so he is now 3! Yikes! Where does the time go? It feels as if just yesterday he was born. How is he already 3?! He always comes up with these awesome Funny Quotes. They always leave me in stitches. 

As we were celebrating his birthday I took him to a close by Party store to purchase items for his birthday party- he got to pick them out and of course he chose Cars items. What else is new? This little guy LOVES cars almost as much as I love his funny quotes. 

By the time we were done our shopping, we were exhausted. We waited for the bus and when it came, we were grateful. We got on and took our seats. For the first 15 mins or so, Little Man was so quiet I was shocked. I looked at him, he looked deep in thought. Of course, I just HAD to ask what he had on his mind. 

When I asked him what he was thinking so hard about, he responded with something that made me snort I laughed so hard.  

“My Birrday is the Best Birrday ever and I old now”

I clarified to Little Man that while he may be “Older” than he was yesterday, he certainly isn’t old! What a great day we had together. His little Funny Quotes always make me laugh. Happy Birthday Little Man! 

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