
Funny Kids Quotes- Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday!

Funny Kids QuotesHere are so more Funny Kids Quotes for you! Well, hello there! Welcome back to “Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday!

One day soon I am going to have to start doing something like this for Baby Girl, because although she can not talk yet- she still makes me giggle a lot… but until then… I will continue disclosing all the funny things Little Man has to say… until he realizes that everyone can read this and bans me from posting these anymore! So, I will take advantage of it while I can… since I feel it necessary to share with everyone how funny Mini Ninja Man is.

On this week’s epsiode of “Little Man’s Funny Quote Friday“. Little man has made a point this week to provide me with a few headaches but a lot of laughs.

This week, I had tried to Ninja myself into the bathroom to take a much needed potty break… BY MYSELF, when there was a knock at the door… I reply with “Yes?!” And the response I got was quite interesting.


“Mommy, Did you know that I go to school soon? You can’t come with me because I need to focus, but you can stay home and make me lunch!”


Well, Thanks for giving me permission to make you meals… without that I wouldn’t have bothered. Oh, and I don’t know what I would have done if you hadn’t have spoken to me about this while I was in the bathroom!

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