
{Closed} Autism Awareness Giveaway

There are some things in the world that are really misunderstood, and one thing that touches our hearts dearly is Autism. Since we are avid Autism awareness supporters, we thought we’d put together a giveaway that will hopefully help raise some Autism awareness! We’ve teamed up with the lovely Autism United, and also MommyMatter, one of their top Moms for Autism supporters to bring you this awesome, and easy giveaway.

Entry will be easy. Simply complete the following Rafflecopter form, and ta da! You are entered. We will verify entries so please, no false entries. We are trying to help raise Autism awareness, and get the word out that this is something many need to understand.

What will you win?!

The prize for this giveaway is a $50 Amazon Gift Code, open to US & Canada, or $50 PayPal cash, open to the world! You will need to provide us with your email address if you win so we can send you your earnings, but don’t worry, we won’t give it out or use it in any way.

So… who’s ready to enter?!

Do it NOW!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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