Be a Better Mom, RELAX! Tips to Utilize Me Time

I have written about The Importance of Me Time before and how it can make you be a better mom, I know, so forgive me for repeating myself. However, I find myself needing the reminder about how important it can be to take the time out of your busy schedule as a Mom, to respect,…

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The Measles- Did you Vaccinate?

I am sure you have read, watched and researched all the news about Measles outbreaks in certain parts of the world recently. It is really quite scary to me.  The great “to Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate” debate, can be such a hot topic of conversation, and seems to have both sides defending their choices…

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How to be a Mom- A Ninja’s Guide to Parenting

Have you been searching How to be a Mom? Looking everywhere for that little golden book, rule, website… anything that will tell you what you need to know to successfully parent your children?  If so, you must feel you need some guidance. You are either a Mom to be, a new mom, a confused mom…

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Things Moms Say- The Top 10 Things I Find Myself Saying

I find myself saying a lot of the same things over and over again. It’s almost like a rinse and repeat type deal. I have said before that I feel like a broken record, and that hasn’t changed. However, now I find myself repeating the same things over and over again… with the ODDEST things.…

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Dear Bully- A Letter to Bullies Everywhere

Letter to Bullies

 Dear Bully, I know you. I know you too well. You lurk everywhere I go. You seem to be waiting to pounce. Why? Why do you feel the need to degrade others and make them feel bad about themselves? Is it that I am not good enough? Is it that you feel you aren’t? Why?…

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Being a Mom- Am I Doing It Right?

Being a Mom is never easy. Never. I constantly ask myself a million times: “Am I Doing it Right?” Chances are, I’m probably not. This is not me talking about the whole: “You Know You’re a Mother When….” thing. Instead, You KNOW You’re a Mother and are pretty sure you stink at it. I am…

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