5 Reasons Arguing With Toddlers is Futile

Is there even a point to arguing with Toddlers? Have you ever tried arguing with a 3 ft tall drunk leprechaun?  If you have tried to argue with an over tired toddler, then the answer is essentially yes. Yes, you have tried to argue with a drunk leprechaun.  I have in fact, compared an exhausted…

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Mom Shaming- 5 Reasons you Participate in Mommy Wars

Mom Shaming. Have you done it? Are you the kind of Mom that watches other Mother’s every move and form a negative opinion on them? Have you ever found yourself whispering to your friend in the grocery store line about the way the Mother in front of you is parenting her screaming toddler?  When your…

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10 Crazy things Parents Do

There are many Crazy things Parents do, that you will never know until you are a parent. I have to admit. I was surprised I have taken part in some of these. In fact, most of them. I may just do some crazy things parents do! Yeep!  Parenting isn’t easy. In fact, it can be…

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Embarrassing Moms- 5 Things Moms Should Avoid Doing in Public

Being a mom,  I sometimes get so caught up in “Mothering”, that I totally forget about my surroundings…. and then I do strange things I should probably avoid doing in public… because I have kids, and those kids call me on EVERYTHING. Embarrassing moms are the WORST. I know. I am one. Embarrassing Moms-5 Things…

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5 Things NOT to say to Parents- Mind Your Own Beeswax

There has been a lot of media buzz surrounding a certain incident regarding a woman that felt the need to tell a Mother to correct her child, who was misbehaving in a store.  To me, there is never a reason, unless blatant abuse is taking place, to say a darn thing to a Parent about…

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Motherhood is Not a Competition- So Stop it.

If I could only tell you one thing, just one, it would be to STOP comparing yourself to other moms!  Seriously, Motherhood is not a competition, so why does it seem that instead of banding together, so many moms are engaged in a constant battle of who can create Pinterest inspired creations better than the…

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5 Common Misconceptions about Stay at Home Moms

I am a stay at home mom. Actually, I prefer to refer to myself as a work at home mom as I do work from home.  However, there was a point in time in which I was a Stay at Home Mom. There are so many misconceptions surrounding Stay at Home Moms and what they…

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Encouraging Creative Play- But Mom, Tigers Don’t HAVE Rules!

Have you ever had a conversation with your little Tiger, Doggy, Cat or Dragon that made you wonder if you were tarnishing their ability at imaginary play? I totally encourage Baby Girl to play and use her imagination. However, I do still instill boundaries, because what is not acceptable when she is Baby Girl, still…

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Why I don’t care if you Think I am an Unhappy Mom

I read a blog post the other day about how there are several blogs in the blogosphere, plastered all over the internet about Mom’s complaining, or venting or telling the world that Motherhood isn’t glamorous. I suppose I would group myself with them. The post went on to question why so many moms are so…

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